Demolition has started!

 Written by Nicole Anderson

Week 1 consisted of some demolition. Most of the seats were already removed by the previous owner so this is the BEFORE picture:

The first part of the build out is to remove the flooring all the way down to the metal so that insulation can be added. (If you rode a school bus as a kid in the winter you'll know that school buses get cold). We want to insulate to make sure the cold stays in during the summer months, and warm during the winter months!

We removed the seats...

Next part was the hardest...removing the metal rails going down the bus that hold the seats in.

This involved going under the bus and unscrewing THOUSANDS of nuts to remove the bolt! Doing it myself was challenging so I was happy when Brent and my stepdad had some time to give a hand!

Finally got them all out today!! Now I can start removing the plywood! Lots of other screws to remove then I was able to lift out two panels before it got dark.

I'm so happy that there is absolutely no rust! That will save me a lot of time in prepping the metal! I will be continuing the plywood removal this weekend!


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