Framing and insulating the floor

Written by Nicole Anderson

Now that the floor paint has dried time to frame out the floor for insulation and plywood!
 First we put down a layer of moisture barrier then framed it out with 1x2 lumber.

My job today was cutting the 3/4 inch insulation and putting it between the framing.

These videos always make the process look so easy!

Lyla wasn’t feeling good today so she was taking a nap while I was working.  I got halfway done and she woke up needing her mommy!

I hope to finished tomorrow and I hope Lyla feels better!

Sunday I was able to finish the framing and insulation around the front wheel humps. 

Here’s a video of the last of the framing and insulation!

Finished for the day!!! Next step is to get the plywood!


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