Filling in the tiny floor holes

Written by Nicole Anderson

Brent surprised me and removed the wheel chair lift and heater!! Woohoo!! See all gone!

Now we have an empty bus!! Can you tell I’m excited!

Next on the to-so list is to patch the small holes that were used to hold in the seat tracks.  See how many holes!!

But first I had to clean the floors first !

Now that everything is clean my plan was to use Bondo to seal the holes.  I was going to use little pieces of screen along with the Bondo to seal the bigger screw holes.  After mixing up just a small amount of Bondo I realized it wasn’t going to work! I watched YouTube videos and found that some people caulk in pennies. So we had the kids go through our large container of change to take out all the pennies from it.  Then we all worked to get them on!

Here is what it looks like.

I realized I made a little mistake today.  Since I switched from using Bondo to using pennies, I realized I should have painted the floor first BEFORE applying the pennies :(. All well...I guess I will paint over top of it! While the caulking dried we made our first trip to Home Depot to get supplies for the next phase...installing the sub floor!

We got Rustoleum paint, moisture barrier, 1x2 lumber for the framing and insulation board.  We have everything we need to continue tomorrow!


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