Down to the metal floors

Written by Nicole Anderson

I had 3 things on my list to complete this weekend:

1.  Figure out how to remove the heater in the back of the bus
2. Figure out how to remove the wheelchair lift in the back
3. Completely remove the rubber and plywood layer from the floor

The thing I had to tackle first was the wheelchair lift

I found the bolts going through to the bottom of the bus so I was able to get the nuts off no problem! This was the easy part!

Next up was figuring out how to remove power to it. I followed the cables running under the bus and found one attached to a smaller battery half way down the bus, so I disconnected that.  Also found the ground wire and disconnected that.  Now to figure out how to remove all the cables attached to the lift!! Hmmm...

I think I could safely cut all the wires running up from under the bus connecting to the lift, but I was scared to do it.  There is a built in safety mechanisms with the lift that if you cut the wrong wire there is a chance your bus won’t start anymore.  I didn’t want to break anything!! I’ll wait to get a second opinion on that one!
Next was the heater.  I have a plan for that, but again I didn’t want to start messing with it myself.  It involves cutting some coolant hoses running from the front of the bus to the back of the bus and looping them.  I think that is a 2 person job, so I’ll wait on that!

That leaves removing the plywood!! This involved unscrewing another 1000 screws!!

Good thing I had some help! Thanks Parker!

Not only was the plywood screwed in at a million places it was also nailed down in every plywood corner and then also glued down. It was a challenging ripping them out but I got it done!! 

Next on the to-do list is to fill in all of the thousand tiny holes in the floor!! Oh...and still disconnect the lift and heater! 😩


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